My Little Book Of Sonnets EPUB



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I am fascinated by the structure in the sonnet form. As we celebrated Shakespeare’s 4oo years since his death in 1616, I have written these challenging 15 sonnets redoubled. I have not strictly followed the rigorous iambic pentameter though each verse contains more or less 5 iambs, not exactly 1 unstressed and 1 stressed.

The sonnet redoubled is also very tough to write but is very beautiful. It has been a risky adventure for me which I thoroughly enjoyed. It took me about 15 to 20 days to write them. I began my first poem and when I reached the 14th line, it became the first verse of my second poem; then I found a title for it. So it went on until I reached the 14th poem. For the crown of poems, the 15th one, I copied and pasted the first verse of every poem but not all of them rhymed exactly like a Shakespearean poem with ABAB CDCD EFEF GG, I reworked the rhymes so that the 15th poem would turn into a Shakespearean poem.

I always write with my heart. I love poetry. If these poems do make some people happy, it will make me even happier.