My Little Book Of Sonnets
I am fascinated by the structure in the sonnet form. As we celebrated Shakespeare’s 4oo years since his death in 1616, I have written these challenging 15 sonnets redoubled. I have not strictly followed the rigorous iambic pentameter though each verse contains more or less 5 iambs, not exactly 1 unstressed and 1 stressed. The sonnet redoubled is also very tough to write but is very beautiful. It has been a risky adventure for me which I thoroughly enjoyed. It took me about 15 to 20 days to write them. I began my first poem and when I reached the 14th line, it became the first verse of my second poem; then I found a title for it. So it went on until I reached the 14th poem. For the crown of poems, the 15th one, I copied and pasted the first verse of every poem but not all of them rhymed exactly like a Shakespearean poem with ABAB CDCD EFEF GG, I reworked the rhymes so that the 15th poem would turn into a Shakespearean poem. I always write with my heart. I love poetry. If these poems do make some people happy, it will make me even happier.
Other Sonnets et autres sonnets
Dear readers, the sonnets in this book are a mix of the three types of sonnets in the English language: Petrarchan, Spenserian, Shakespearean. I have also included some French sonnets which have 14 lines with 12 syllables per line which is quite different from the English sonnet made up of 10-syllable lines. A Spenserian sonnet has got 14 lines of 3 quatrains + 1 couplet. The rhyming pattern is 1st ABAB, 2nd BCBC, 3rd CDCD, and last 2 lines: EE, whereas the Shakespearean sonnet has got ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG. The Petrarchan sonnet has 14 lines divided into 2 parts: an octet: 8 lines with an AB AB AB AB rhyming pattern and a sestet: 6 lines with a rhyming pattern of CDE CDE. The octet tells about a problem and the sestet solves it. In the French sonnet, there is a break after each 6th syllable per verse. The form is like the Petrachan sonnet and the sestet changes its rhyming pattern. The French sonneteer writes about a problem and finds a solution in the last six lines; The last line of the poem is a ‘chute’ a fall which every reader will feel after being engrossed in a particular atmosphere and to be suddenly awakened into another reality.
Shades … and Shots
This book is divided into two parts. The first one speaks about the beauty of nature in its magnificent simplicity. The Great Artist God has created it for our soul to exalt Him as He is our Maker. His Nature satiates the deepest hunger and perfection is attained when the sinful soul meets salvation in Christ. The second part pierces the horrors of war and its devastation to the body, soul, heart and mind. Women, girls and children are abused and used as weapons of war. This book is dedicated to them.